The Tax Professionals Blog — ctec
Governor Signs New bill affecting CRTP Tax Preparers
Posted by Lee Reams Sr., BSME, EA on

The 2015 CTEC Tax Update CPE Course is now live!
Posted by Wendy Claypool on
If we have learned anything from this tax season, it is that getting a grasp on the tough issues before the season starts is crucial. We have already integrated the latest extenders and law changes into the 2015 Edition of our popular California Registered Tax Preparers (CRTP) CPE course.
California Registered Tax Preparers Get Special Treatment under the New IRS Voluntary Annual Filing Season Program.
Posted by Lee Reams Sr. on
To prepare tax returns in California, non-exempt(1) tax preparers must meet the education and registration requirements of the California Tax Education Council (CTEC). Initially, this requires an applicant to pass a 60-hour qualifying education course and subsequently meet the annual 20-hour education requirements to become a California Registered Tax Preparer (CRTP). CRTPs are required to reregister with CTEC annually. CTEC only reregisters those who have completed their annual CE requirements.
CTEC Raises Registration Fee to $33
Posted by Wendy Claypool on
Effective August 1, 2014, the California Tax Education Council (CTEC) will increase its annual registration fee for tax preparers from $25 to $33.
The New IRS voluntary Annual Filing Season Program and how it effects California Registered Tax Preparers
Posted by Lee Reams Sr. on
On June 26, 2014, the IRS issued information about its new voluntary Annual Filing Season Program (AFSB).
But before you get too excited, you should know that California Registered Tax Preparers (CRTPs) will automatically be issued a Record of Completion if they are registered in good standing with CTEC for the 2014-15 year and have a valid PTIN.