On September 20, 2018, Governor Brown signed into law Assembly Bill 3143 which modifies the laws affecting CTEC preparers.
The following are the highlights of the bill:
>> Report Surety Bond Claims - After July 1, 2019, a CTEC preparer must report a paid claim against his or her surety bond to the CTEC council, and the council would be required to post a notice of the claim on its Internet Web site.
>> CTEC’s Website Address - The bill requires a tax preparer to include the address of the CTEC Internet Web site in the information the tax preparer is required to provide to a customer before rendering services.
>> Fingerprinting & Background Checks - Beginning July 1, 2020, CTEC registered preparers must submit fingerprint images to CTEC for submission to the Department of Justice to determine the individual’s fitness to practice. The cost will be borne by the CTEC registered preparer.
Read the entire Assembly Bill No. 3143.
CTEC will establish processes to comply with this new legislation, watch for further details from CTEC (www.CTEC.org).