Seems most practitioners are ignoring the fact that the recent Circular 230 amendments have eliminated the need for the Circular 230 disclosures at the bottom of their e-mails. Karen Hawkins, Director of IRS Office of Professional Responsibility has very strongly suggested that they be removed and the IRS’s chief counsel, William J. Wilkins, backs up that opinion. Ms. Hawkins indicated that some disclosure might be appropriate but not those using the circular 230 language.
I am not an attorney and do not provide legal advice. However, I have prepared the following disclaimer for my own client e-mails that you are free to use at your own risk.
Disclaimer: Any tax advice included in this e-mail is an overview of some complex tax rules and is not intended as a thorough in-depth analysis of the tax issues discussed. Do not act on the information without first determining how these issues apply to your particular set of circumstances and if there are any special tax laws or regulations that might apply to your situation. Nor is the information sufficient to avoid tax penalties. If desired, this firm would be happy to perform a more through and comprehensive evaluation of your tax issues.